
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jeddy's Blend NEW and UPDATED Testimonials - A Natural Alternative for ADHD, Anxiety and more



Jeddy's Blend NEW and UPDATED Testimonials

Jeddy's Story - Click HERE

When I started this post and went to update the pictures I couldn't believe how
       much Jeddy has grown since the creation of Jeddy's Blend. He is growing up so fast. Jeddy's Blend has been a life changer for him and our family. 

          Jeddy is thriving in school with almost straight A's every report card. He reads better than his two sisters that are older than him and is a walking encyclopedia at times. He loves school which was a far cry from 1st grade when we knew there was a problem. He keeps Jeddy's Blend with him at all times and uses it as needed. Jeddy is proud of JB and isn't afraid to share it with anyone he meets because he knows how it has helped him.  

As you read the testimonials you will see that JB has turned out to be more of a multi purpose blend with testimonials for ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Sleep, Stress and more. I LOVE to receive these testimonials and see how others lives have changed as well. 

Please feel free to use these testimonials to share with others that may need to hear them. So many people need to know that there is a natural alternative they can try. 


 “Jeddy's Blend has been such a blessing for my son with Sensory Processing    Disorder. His OT was the first one to notice a difference when we started using Jeddy's. He's much more focused.” - M

”I've shared Jeddy’s with friends who were interested and then I finally put it in the diffuser at home and wondered why I didn't use it before! Love it!”
           Lifesaver for my son.” –C

           ”My husband uses it to help calm down after a stressful day at work!! Works every time!! I even use on my boys for car trips!

           ”I Love Jeddy's for my 4 year old with Autism!” Don't have a diffuser though. That would be awesome to diffuse!” - A

           I love Jeddy's and I always make sure to wear during stressful times; especially if I'll be in contact with people that are having stress. I've been told that hugging me is so calming.

           “Jeddy’s blend helps me with my anxiety and nervousness. I don't have to use as much anxiety med now. It is great. “ - L

           ”I used to have trouble sleeping at night, not anymore with Jeddy's blend.” - L
When I feel my anxiety level going up, I diffuse Jeddy's Blend and it makes a huge difference, it is so calming. Thank you!

           I love the calming effect it has on all of us. Would love to diffuse it throughout the house!” - J

           Love Jeddy's Blend for better focus and for calming down
” - R

Jeddy's blend helps my daughter with her two year old tantrums and helps me when the tantrums come.” - P

          “We can't live without our Jeddy's blend. It gets applied before school and before homework.” – M

           ”Love Jeddy’s blend. I teach 7 year old boys in a homeschool co-op being a mother of girls I felt overwhelmed. Not with Jeddy’s diffusing.” - J
My son and I love the calming effect and it helps him concentrate.” - D
           “My grandson is totally hooked on Jeddy's! It's a fave around here!
” - J
           I love using Jeddy's blend before naptime while the kids I nanny for wind down for their rest. It's perfect for naptime!
” – A
           “Jeddy's Blend got us all through the school year last year. At first I had to fight my son to put it on him, but soon he was asking for it himself. Ps - I was passing the bottle around at the bus stop lady.” - L 

My daughter was having stomach aches and would get very upset and shaky and after one application of Jeddy's she asked for it every time she got a stomach ache.” - A

           Jeddy’s blend has not only helped my son but me as well...I use a little before bed to relax. I have also made lotion and wax for burning ...its the best blend with many benefits.” – N

           I have used Jeddy's for our daughter! I love the results of essential oils.”-J
           “My daughter has had issues with addictions and Jeddy's has helped her be calm.      She carries a roller of Jeddy's even now. I love it.” - V

“The smell of Jeddy’s calms my anxiety!
” – J

           My daughter wears it while teaching at preschool.” - V

“We love Jeddy’s blend and how it has helped my son with focusing and also taught him to find his focus on his own sometimes. It's worked wonderfully for us.” 

“I wear Jeddy's blend when I teach. I figure if the kids can't use it at least I can give off a calming scent. - P

           “I shared it with one of my son's classmate's mom. Her son has ADHD and it has helped him tremendously. He asks for it every morning!” - L

           “I have noticed a big difference in myself when I wear Jeddy's, but also in my 14 year old son when I wear it. I absolutely love Jeddy's.” – T

           “I love Jeddy's Blend!!! I use it as a cologne, as a muscle rub, and it helps me and my dogs sleep better!
” -
           “I was lucky to come across Jeddy's Blend. I started it and have seen a difference with my son. I would recommend it! Thank you for making this blend!” - M

           “We can't thank you enough for all you do everyone. We are happily staying on track because of Jeddy’s.
” – K
“I love Jeddy's for both me and my classroom!! Wonderful for everyone in diffuser range!! Just sent mine to Oklahoma for my daughter to share, always have a spare!!

           “Jeddy's is a miracle in a bottle for us. It brings calm to our house. It helps both my son and I. I especially love to diffuse it when we have play dates. Makes all the difference!!! - M
“I enjoy using Jeddy's Blend when I'm facing a stressful situation. Lessens the                        anxiety.
” - R

“My husband has ADHD and Jeddy’s is helping him get through graduate school while working full time. He also has the highest gpa he has ever had in his life! So proud of him and thankful for Jeddy’s Blend!

           Love Jeddy’s - We use it for Anxiety and Asperger’s!
 - J

“Just got it and love it so far!
 - E

“I use it to focus at work:). My sister is a teacher and uses it to focus as well.
” – M 

              Makes our homeschool days much more pleasant! Also used it the night before a surgery and my anxiety disappeared!!!!
 - A

              “My little granddaughter has long, thick hair and her Dad has a hard time getting her to stand still while he brushes it. I mixed up a batch of "Calm Kiddos Hair Detangler" with Jeddy's Blend and she and her Dad love it. They even brought the empty bottle back for a refill today. No more tears!
 “- D
”I have a child who was diagnosed recently with ADHD. I've used JB on him in the past, but not consistently like he needs. When I did use it, I could see a difference in him. He would even ask for it at night to help him sleep. I'd love some to use on a consistent basis. - A
”We use Jeddy's on my grandson and it had made such a difference in him. He'll be starting school next week so I'm sure we'll be going through more Jeddy's than normal. I'd love to try this on my husband but he's not sold on EOs so a diffuser would be an easy way to give him the benefits without having to apply anything. - K

              Jeddy's blend helps me & my little one stay focused and it smells great! Love EO's!” - A

           “I love Jeddy’s, I've been experiencing anxiety attacks, this has helped tremendously.” - M

           “I diffuse this in my classroom during the school year to keep a calmed and focused atmosphere! It is a must have on my school supply list!”-L

 I have not had ground shaking experiences with Jeddy's. But I have had nice, calming focused experiences. I personally use the blend when I know I am going to be in a stressful situation and will need to stay on task. I don't have a diffuser, so I apply it behind my ears. My daughter just started public school for the first time, she is 13. From my encounters with this oil, it would help her tremendously.” - A 

           “I love to defuse it in the afternoon when my grand kids get home from school. I can see them calm down after being in the house for a few minutes. I can also feel myself relax too.” - V

           Jeddy’s seems to help maintain focus on classwork at night after a day at work. And it smells great!
” - R

           Jeddy's helps my grandsons in school, it also calms my stress and keeps my depression manageable. I love Jeddy's
.” -  C

           "We LOVE Jeddy's blend in our home! It helps me focus and stay on task and my kids ask for it every morning before school.” - A

           “I think it really helps with anxiety, irritability, and concentration.
 - K

           Had a stressful week this week and came home, put JB in my diffuser and just    chilled out with a funny movie. Four hours later and I feel great, ready for a good night's sleep.” – T
           “Love Jeddy's for the workplace.” – A

“Jeddy's blend smells so good and is so calming.” – N

           Love Jeddy’s blend for my son. It helps him focus while still keeping him the funny, alert and active boy he is.” – D

           “My husband is prior service and has bad PTSD, Anxiety and depression so we use Jeddy's quite a bit. He has also shared it with other veterans when he was inpatient and most recently has been using it to help cope with the loss of two close friends
           “I use it EVERY night to help unwind before bed. The kids get it a foot rib with it if they are too hyped up for bed:) I love the way it smells now!” – K

           It does great things for my 15 year old! And me! I love it!” – A

           I love this blend. I use it for my boys as well as on myself and my husband.” – T

           “A friend gave me a sample of Jeddy's and I need more! In my line of work, it's truly helpful to stay calm and collected.” -
           I use JB on my boys ADHD/ADD. It also worked wonders on my planter fasciitis.” - H

           Jeddy's Blend does wonders for my son's ability to focus better. And the rest of the family loves the aromatherapy.” – D

"So I am a homeschool mom and on Wednesdays I tutor 8 seven year old boys. For three weeks it has been awful so today I brought in my Jeddys blend (the one I got for free) and it was awesome!! Not only did they stay focused but when the moms came to get them they were so surprised at how chill the little ones were. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to handle the little Guys but we had success all around. Big shout out to Jeddy’s!!!" - H     

"Started using Jeddy's Friday. After speaking with you yesterday, 3 times a day on the bottom of his feet. He likes it on the back of his neck too. Last night he asked for it and put himself to sleep for the first time ever!! We did have a meltdown yesterday afternoon, but he hadn't had any Jeddy's." – S

"I'd like to tell you I've been working in a sleep lab for 7yrs. And dealing with children who have ADHD, Downs syndrome, autism and several other issues. To the point, its been very stressful at times, kiddos are scared and don't know what to expect. I wear the terra cotta pendant with Jeddy's blend on it and we all have a significantly better night! Love the stuff.
Sent from heaven."

"We ordered Jeddy's blend and started using it the 1st day of school this year, August 6,2014. My son is in the 5th grade, and was diagnosed with ADHD in Kindergarten. After lots of thought prayer and research, we finally decided in the 2nd grade it was time for ADHD medication. He's been on Concerta for 3 years and I have hated it every single day. I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am that we no longer have to have that pill every morning! Jeddy's Blend is working!!! He is so much happier, and I feel like I have my son back! Thank you from the bottom of my happy heart for what you do!" – C

"Hi there! I've got two short testimonials of the Jeddy's blend. We got it for the first time in August. I use it with my 30 months old. She does not have ADHD, but I can definitely see a change in her. She is super calm when I use it on her and it is a relief. The other one is that my husband has ADHD and I used in on him two days ago and he told me "oh yes. That thing works. I felt it almost instantly. I felt super calm and confident when I was working". And for him to tell me that something natural works, its because it does. He will no longer use his meds. I am very grateful for the Jeddy's blend!"


My son was diagnosed with ADHD in kindergarten. Our doctor has told me it one of the more severe cases he has seen too. Prior to this diagnosis, I was one of those mothers that thought it was just laziness on the parents part to medicate a child with the standard drugs used to treat this disease. I exhausted what I thought were all the natural options and finally broke down and put my son on the medication when he started talking about not wanting to live anymore. It was heartbreaking as his mother to hear this from your 5 year old.

He has been on traditional medicine for the last 5 years, and as much guilt as I had giving him the pill every morning, I had resigned myself to this being our reality. That was until about 10 days ago when I saw a post on Facebook about someone using essential oils for all kinds of ailments and never would they go back to traditional medication. I initially started researching it because of things like allergies and headaches, but my research lead me to an article on Jeddy's Blend and reading all these amazing reviews from others that had tried it with great results. While still very skeptical and assuming it was not going to work, I ordered the smallest bottle and vowed to give it a try. It arrived super quick, and I started using on my son on Friday afternoon (3 days ago).

There are not even words to describe the transformation in my son. This stuff is nothing short of fabulous, extraordinary, amazing and about a million other positive adjectives. It did everything it said it would and then some. While my expectations were set really low that it would actually would have even surpassed my high expectations had I had any of those before trying it.

While his traditional medication was good at curtailing his behavior in the classroom during the day, the morning time and after school period where horrendous. The peaks and valleys of the medication as it enters and leaves the system does cause moodiness and it was a roller coaster for us each and every day. I dreaded waking him up in the morning and seeing the kid that came home off the bus each night. Horrible for a mother to feel I know.....but this disease takes prisoners. I love my son with all my heart, but he was never easy. I could always tell by the look on his face and in his eyes what kind of a day I was going to have. He was wild in the morning, and mean and spiteful in the afternoons. He has one brother that he has tormented for the last 8 1/2 years and there was nothing we could do to make him stop.

After using the Jeddy's blend just one time, I saw an immediate difference. When he got home from school on Friday afternoon, I sat him down and rubbed some of the blend on his feet and toes and on the back of his neck, then resigned myself to just sit back and see if it helped. Those dark storm clouds in his eyes never came. We left on a 90 min car ride to go camping for the weekend at around 5pm that afternoon. Every other time we have done this type of trip at that time of day, it is constant bickering and fighting in the back seat between the two boys. There was none of that.....AND I MEAN NONE!!

We arrived at the campground and the kids took off to play. Our ADHD son was a perfect angel all night! I was still skeptical.....thinking there is no way that this is happening. Something else must be going on. That night, I ran some of the oil in a diffuser and he laid down to sleep. Early the next morning I turned the diffuser on again for about an hour prior to waking him up. He woke up that morning (without medication) and again was a perfect angel. Any other day, I get myself up an hour prior to him and give him his medicine so that it will be in his system when he gets up. And still our house is chaos with him running around, yelling, harassing everyone. This morning with just using the oils, he was calm and well behaved.....not drugged without personality, but a normal kid that looked happy and smiled when you talked to him. His eyes were happy, and that is not something I see on him very often.

A little more optimistic because of the previous 24 hours, Saturday was also another perfect day. Sunday, another perfect morning to wake up to him being quiet acting way better than an average kid. Even when it was time to leave....again, no tantrums, no arguments just did what he was told. He and his brother never fought one time over the weekend, he was pleasant to everyone and even used his manners throughout the whole weekend.

So today was Monday, and again he woke up peaceful, went through the morning routine without hesitation, without argument, without stalling and getting sidetracked.....and most importantly without making his mother nuts. He did everything he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it. When he came off the bus tonight, again you could see the happiness in his eyes.

I just can't even tell you how much of a difference Jeddy's blend has made in my life over the last 72 hours. I have never written a review like this before, but that is how strongly I feel. Be skeptical like I was, but at least try it. You really do not have anything to lose.

Thank you Dori for coming up with this fabulous blend!!"

How do you apply Jeddy's Blend?

Jeddy's Blend is applied to the feet and under the toes and then rub it in with your hands (you will also get the benefit of it). You can also apply it to the back of the neck, spine and on the wrists. 

What is in Jeddy's Blend?

Jeddy’s Blend contains: Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Vetiver, Patchouli & Fractionated Coconut Oil.

When Spark Naturals and Jeddy's Blend came together it was meant to be. Jeddy's Blend was growing from word of mouth rapidly and we were selling in 8 different countries! My goal was to reach as many people as I could to let them know about this alternative before having to put their children on medication. I was impressed by their oils that I started to only use them for all of our family Essential Oils. I am a huge advocate for Essential Oils and teaching others to use them in their homes. I would have never put Jeddy's Blend in the hands of a company I didn't believe in 100%. These are high quality Essential Oils that have made Jeddy's Blend even stronger and better. When ordering Essential Oils from Spark Naturals use the code JEDDY for 10% off your entire order. 

More Jeddy's Blend Testimonials click HERE

110 more Jeddy's Blend Testimonials click HERE

Each Jeddy's Blend purchase through this website will come with a free roller bottle for easier application and free shipping in the US. International orders can use the drop down menu to order. 

Be sure to check out Jeddy's Blend SALVE